Changing Seasons: Focus On What You Can Do

Nordic enthusiasts face a double challenge with the changing seasons and variable snow, trail and road conditions. One day it’s snowing, the next day it’s raining. And you start worrying – and stressing — about losing your ski-induced fitness or just being able to get a workout in.
Have no fear, options abound to stay fit and possibly improve some weak areas. It mostly comes down to your mindset and focusing on what you can do vs. what you can’t do.

Hit the Gym
Whether it’s at home or at a club, this is a great time to work on your weak areas, which we all have. It’s also worth the investment to get a qualified evaluation from a trainer and exercise physiologist who can do an overall body evaluation and then give you the appropriate exercises, including going over technique and form.
Become Flexible
Yes, both in body and mind. When the weather precludes you from going outside, pull out the yoga mat and take a class or add some stretching into your routine. Most people err on pushing too hard and too often without appropriate recovery time, which also includes stretching, using that stored away roller or doing some yoga to strengthen and stabilize the body and mind. Despite what most people think, the gains in strength and fitness are made through appropriate recovery, which includes sleep, nutrition and yes, days off from regular training.

Try Something New
Can’t ski? How about snowshoeing or getting some YakTrax that wrap around running shoes or hiking boots to add traction? Take a spin class. Try your local club or gym’s HIIT session. Craving upper body workout? Hit the rowing machine. Achy muscles? Nothing better than a dip in your local rec center’s pool followed by a hot tub soak (COVID permitting). Step outside your usual mode of exercise and expand your horizons and you’ll likely find some muscles you didn’t know you had and possibly a new favorite workout or recreation option.
From I Can’t to How Can I
The most important gain any person can make is to shift your mindset from what you can’t do to what you can do. While it may not be ideal, it’s the easiest and best way to make life, travel, workouts, training and racing work for you.